When the box arrived from Conscious Goods, our team of editors became very excited about the look, smell and feel of each product sent. The creator, KC, a lawyer, and mother of three boys, was searching for pure, chemical free products with no hidden additives, and realized that was almost impossible to find.
Researching further, she was appalled at the hidden harmful ingredients added to most so called “natural” products and started making products with essential oils proven effective since ancient times. They were so effective for her own family, she shared them at local markets, and today they want to share their brand with all Mothers..

The creator shares every Conscious Good product is a response to a need in our family, and hopefully will answer a need in yours. KC created nourishing, moisturizing bath bombs and non-petroleum Calm Balm for her son with exzema.
Family members who loved candles, but got headaches from the strong fragrance oils, now enjoy our beeswax candles with essential oils that actually clean the air as they burn.
Link in and buy a cool Mothers day gift here at https://consciousgoods.com/