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The Anti-Cancer Green Juice News

The Anti-Cancer Green Juice News – Drink green when ever possible – This green juice is the most alkalizing juice! It’s filled with minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and powerful proteins.

❤2-4 Large Cucumbers
❤Head of Spinach
❤Green Kale
❤Black Dinosaur Kale
❤5-6 Stalks Celery
❤Bunch of Romaine
❤FEW Dandelion Leaves (Note: if you do not want this to be bitter, leave out the dandelion leaves)
❤Juice of 5-8 Lemons
❤Optional: Thumb of Ginger

Use your favorite greens. Run all ingredients through a juicer, strain, and savor! Happy, healthy, juicing!