The Anti-Cookbook: Easy, Thrifty Recipes for Food-Smart Living. The Anti-Cookbook inverts the idea that cooking is simply about following a recipe. A “cookbook” method of completing a task implies a mundane, thoughtless process.
This book seeks to do the opposite — to inspire readers to think creatively about making meals and independently about the deeper issues surrounding food and nourishment. We want readers to see the sweetness of committing to themselves, to locally sourced ingredients and wholesome recipes, to sitting down to a homemade meal instead of dialing one up or paying someone else to cut the broccoli. If you have found yourself too often eating out of a bag or ordering up take-out, indulge yourself with our food-positive philosophy. Cook better, eat right, be well.
A veterinarian and a lawyer-turned-writer walk into a kitchen…Shelley and Rebecca aren’t chefs and that’s exactly the point. We are two working moms who care about nutrition, animal welfare, and preserving your time and money. Shelley is the mother of three sons, a veterinarian with a practice that focuses on equine acupuncture and sports medicine, and a part-time writer, rider, and yoga instructor. Rebecca is a writer, editor and writing coach, former attorney, activist, tutor, mentor and mother of two daughters. Call it a mid-life crisis if you will, but at 50 we wish to share our accumulated kitchen wisdom about food-smart living.