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Find More Confidence, Less Stress with THE PRACTICE

Schmidt believes that making subtle shifts in the day will improve inner happiness, creating a positive ripple effect on all areas of life. In her new book, THE PRACTICE (HCI Books), Barb has structured an easy-to-implement, three-part daily routine- Waking Up, Living Present, Letting Go-that will help you look inward, cultivating the beautiful qualities of acceptance, gratitude, patience, compassion, strength, and courage. Barb provides readers with a set of practical tools that can be used throughout the day to help cultivate a peaceful mind so that readers can live their best lives filled with happiness, love, mindfulness, and purpose – the magnificent life that we are all meant to live.

THE PRACTICE is a set of practical tools that can be used throughout the day to guide us along life’s path. It is a compilation of the great Truths taught by authentic teachers and masters throughout the centuries from various religious and spiritual traditions. It is for people who are looking to deepen their connection to their innermost selves.

Barb has garnered followers from across the globe through her charismatic and radiant personality driven by the quest to find happiness and peace. THE PRACTICE begins with Barb’s own personal path of self-discovery, which began as a part of her recovery from her personal battle with bulimia. Throughout THE PRACTICE, Barb shares with readers the timeless truths and wisdoms she has learned through her nearly thirty years of study and practice with many of the modern-day masters. Each chapter concludes with “Parting Seeds” – key takeaway points discussed in the chapter to keep in mind as you go about your day.

THE PRACTICE creates the following three-part framework around which to live our magnificent lives:

1. Waking up

2. Living Present

3. Letting Go

Some topics THE PRACTICE addresses:

– Gain strength and confidence in your ability to overcome daily stresses and obstacles by using simple breathing techniques to focus your attention
– Learn simple, manageable tools to empower you to take control of your life, and make changes that bring you happiness
– Gain confidence in yourself and learn to trust life as it comes by starting your day with a 5-minute meditation.
– Feel energized and confident by repeating an easy to remember phrase consistently throughout the day.
– Meditating 101

About the Author:

Barb Schmidt is such a captivating speaker that her passion and charisma have garnered her the devotion of fans, who travel across the globe to be part of her inspiring movement for global peace through inner peace. Barb is founder of Peaceful Mind Peaceful World, a community outreach program through Florida Atlantic University (FAU) designed to promote dialogue in the greater community on the topic of inner peace by incorporating workshops and weekly teachings with Barb and many of her esteemed mentors, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Andrew Weil, and many others. Barb is also the founder of Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life, a non-profit organization through which she teaches The Practice, a three-part guide to practical spirituality in the modern world and her tool for spreading her belief that “outer peace begins with inner peace.” Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life has rapidly expanded to include an online community via Facebook (with posts reaching over 10 million people), through their daily inspirational emails and weekly blogs. In 2014, Barb’s extensive achievements in fostering positive change earned her an invitation to the White House State Dinner.


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