Our team just read this newsletter sent direct to our email and had to share with our reader. A must read for all blacks in USA.
Message from Dr. Indira Etwaroo, Executive Artistic Director of The Billie Holiday Theatre. Read more here – https://www.givegab.com/campaigns/back-the-billie-c372348b-e382-4180-ac08-9405e4611cab
As the leader of a theatre dedicated to advancing our public dialogue, in the interest of equity and fairness for all, I found myself deep in reflection after this week’s State of The Union address. As proud as we are at The Billie of our awards and press accolades, as proud as we are to be a destination for premier black artists, without a doubt, the thing we are proudest of is our almost 50-year legacy of standing shoulder to shoulder with you – our community members, our supporters, our artists – in the fight for equity and access to art for everyone.
At The Billie, we see, every day, the transformative power of art on individual lives. And we also see, every day, the toll that years of disinvestment have had on our community, and communities like ours, and the people that live there. I hope you’ll take a moment to read my call to action in the Gotham Gazette on how we can work together to create a more equitable future.
“. . . we must ensure the fundamental right to art for all people, especially the most vulnerable people in our society, and now is the time to fill those voids of historic disinvestment, bridge the racial wealth gap, and build true equity for all in the arts.”
The Billie exists to shatter all obstacles and injustices and convene new, unapologetic Black voices to make American Black Theatre a rigorous space that forces social change. Thank you for being a part of our work.